Friday, July 2, 2010

Kathy Griffin: Comedianne Supreme

Last week launched the 6th season of the hilarious reality show Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D List. Two Emmys, a New York Times best seller and two Grammy nominations later, it’s hard to imagine Griffin every going back on the D list, but as she says, she’s very quickly reminded by everyone else around her where she stands on the totem pole.

Few were those whom actually knew who Griffin was five years ago. Aside from her adoring ‘gays,’ there wasn’t much activity going on the Griffin camp. In fact, sporadic shows would reckon mediocre attendance, but Griffin is a prime example of funny being funny, not matter where it comes from. She’s built an act that rivals no one else. Making her living “talking shit about celebrities,” she makes no excuses for what she says and where she says it. So true to her persona that she’s managed to offend Catholics, Jews, straights, gays, democrats, republicans, her own mother—really no one is off the table.  In fact, a look into the Griffin camp has won her mother, Maggie Griffin, a popularity that rivals that of Kathy’s. As Griffin put it, “She’s the star, and I’m just a co-star. It’s her show.”

It’s this real look into the life of a celebrity that has won her an honest following. A couple seasons back, Griffin dealt with divorce and the death of her father in front of the cameras. It was put out there for her fans to see and the public was much appreciative. As a result, Griffin’s popularity has grown so much, that she dabbles with A-listers like Bette Midler, Liza Minnelli, and Cher at the drop of a hat. But it’s not only with celebrities that she’s become popular, but with a huge audience just looking for a laugh. Having said that, with equal swiftness has she managed to alienate and piss off everyone else.

To promote the new season of My Life on the D List, Griffin was invited on The View—a show she’s been banned twice from, and met one of those opponents, Elizabeth Hasselbeck, a staunch republican. As Griffin gabbed away Hasselback pouted silently until finally confronting for not being funny. Without skipping a beat, Griffin replied, “Well actually, these are the moments that I live for, so bring it!” The audience responded insanely.

This season promises to bring a more laughs and funny scenarios at Griffin and her mother’s expense. From hosting a Kiddy Pageant to a public Pap smear, Griffin will provide an interesting take on what it’s like to be a D list celebrity, all the while driving her assistants mad. With all the garbage on television, its refreshing to see Bravo take such care of a funny show. Here’s hoping for season 15. 

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